Brain Power: 11/7/10

Posted: November 7, 2010 in Uncategorized

Hey everyone,

My brother sent me the link below last week, and I have read over it a few times trying to decide whether or not to share it with you guys. The article is from the blog over at Basically it is telling us some of the most common things (or lies, as they word it) people tell us in order to “protect” us from failure before going off to pursue out true passion.

Ultimately I am deciding to post it because I think many of us have identified a dream or passion in our lives, and maybe more than a few of us have been too afraid to follow it. At least so far.

One message I took from this article (and there are many more like it in circulation) is that there are risks out there that are worth taking. Another thing I’ve realized for myself, is that many (if not all) of the people who have ever given me advice like that were not always happy themselves (either personally or professionally).

My point is this:
We are responsible for our own actions. Going out on a limb and taking a huge leap of faith can lead to negative consequences. But it doesn’t have to. Don’t associate “risk” with “failure”. They don’t always go together.

One of my favorite quotes comes from legendary coach Vince Lombardi:
“It’s not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get back up.”

Taking a chance and either failing or succeeding merely means you have the opportunity to learn from what happened, and choose to repeat your path, or make changes to try and get a different result. While I am not advising that anyone quit their job and sell the house to try and make your “Homemade Pog Stand” business take off (seriously, don’t do it)…. but I am asking that you take a second to think about what you really want to do or accomplish in life, and start doing the research and taking the steps to make it more of a reality.

I know a lot of people who thought they wanted 6-figure salaries. And I know a lot of those people who reached that point. What has surprised me, though, is how many of those same people walked away because they were miserable in their jobs. Instead, they found careers that were much more gratifying and in line with their passions and interests… and they’re much happier today.

Read the article below, and leave your thoughts in the “Comments” section. I’m looking forward to some good discussion!

Click here to access the article

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