Posts Tagged ‘women in crossfit’

Here is the final post on this short little 3-part series I started last week, trying to encourage women to give CrossFit a chance, despite a common perception that it’s only a workout regimen performed by crazy men.

Please read the summary pasted below from the Woman v. Workout Series on YouTube.

“Join fitness model Lauren Berlingeri as she takes on a crazy new challenge each week. Whether training with the FDNY, tossing axes with STIHL Timbersports legends, or bounding through parkour routines, our fearless host manages to land on her feet with a smile (well, most of the time!).”

In this episode, Lauren Berlingeri “Attempts CrossFit” at EVF Performance (with coach Eric Von Frohlich), home of CrossFit Upper East Side in New York, where she will complete the workout Fight Gone Bad with CrossFit competitor Jenn Hunter.

Hold on for a second before you watch this video, though…

I may not be a fitness model, but this type of a “job” would be AMAZING to have every day.
If you guys know people, or have suggestions as to how I can start to do something like this, please let me know!!
Ok, enjoy the video!

My favorite part is when Lauren asks her trainer a question while he is teaching her the Sumo Deadlift High Pull:
Lauren- “What are we working here?”
Coach- “Everything. It’s CrossFit.”

On Tuesday I posted this piece that featured some tips for female weight lifters, trying to offer encouraging words to women who may be considering taking that type of training more seriously (which they should)!
Here is the second of three articles or videos that I will be sharing this week on the topic of women getting more into CrossFit. Check it out!

Why CrossFit is seducing more women
~by Alexia Brue

Just under two weeks ago, posted an article which went through a woman’s journey into trying CrossFit. The piece discuss the author’s initial reservations with giving the program a shot, citing that felt as though the program was geared towards “Marine-wannabe guys,” more-so than women. She then mentions that as popularity began to explode (with “4,400 boxes nationwide and Reebok aligning itself with the sport, not to mention the major PR of the CrossFit Games“) that women started to become more involved.

The two main reasons Alexia claimed women didn’t want to try it out were that they were “worried (about bulking) up and that they simply couldn’t do the workout,” which often times included movements that athletes weren’t even able to complete at the time. How great is it to know that CrossFit workouts are universally scaleable to anyone’s ability level?! And as for the bulking part (and my favorite part of the piece), check out this quote:

“Women are finally catching on that they won’t bulk up if they do CrossFit,” says Bender, now a coach at 212 CrossFit. “Bulking up has to do more with your genetics and your diet.”

Boom, I couldn’t have said it better myself. Click here to go over to the article and read it for yourself! It’s short and sweet, but a great read.

Do you guys enjoy these posts? I know I do!

CrossFit is continuing to grow in popularity. Quickly. The appeal of the program’s effectiveness is spreading, and groups of people who were often intimidated or uninterested in training at high intensity are starting to come around. One of those groups: Women!

With the interwebs at our fingertips, there are now so many women out there who are able to share their stories with the rest of the world, and show a hesitate friend that CrossFit really can be fun for them.

This week I am going to be sharing THREE articles or videos with you that have been circulating this week. I hope you enjoy them and pass the on as well!

10 Things New Women Weightlifters Should Know
~by Aimee Anaya Everett

In this piece, Aimee Everett (of Catalyst Athletics, which is an AMAZING resource for ALL weight lifters) gives 10 really good “Head’s Up” suggestions and things to realize for a woman considering getting more involved in Weight Lifting.
(Men, you’ll see by looking at some of the points below, this advice isn’t geared towards you. Still read the post, though. Information is the best weapon, and you can share this stuff with your female friends!)
The points below are totally valid, and some of them are really funny, too. Check out the summary here, but please click over to the actual post to read the whole thing!

10 Things New Women Weightlifters Should Know
1. Lift with other girls.
2. Know that you will cry.
3. Your cute skinny jeans aren’t going to fit anymore.
4. You will more than likely pee a little when you squat or clean heavy.
5. You need to learn patience.
6. Have a life and interest outside the gym.
7. Shorts and tights.
8. Nails.
9. Knee sleeves.
10. Have fun.

(Photo below comes from Shaughnessy Photography – Featured Athlete: Anna Dold Fisher)

AnnaLift, Shaughnessy Photography, Anna Fisher, Colorado Open, CrossFit, Smashby Training

Anna doing work.